As of July 1, 2024, Bonsai d.o.o. has been formally merged into Span d.d. Upon the registration of the merger with the Commercial Court in Zagreb, the merged company ceases to exist, and Span d.d. becomes its universal legal successor. The integration of Bonsai into Span will unify Span's software development offerings.

The website will be permanently shut down. We thank you for your interest and support over the years. For all additional information and updates, please visit and their social media channels.

Case studies. Applicable to your company. 

Here are some projects we have worked on. They might help you get a better feeling of potential use cases inside your company. We selected the ones that can best demonstrate the benefits of applied automation and AI to the business model. 

Conducting an unbiased survey

The client wanted to get feedback from customers on specific products with the ability to change and define the monthly target survey number.

AI-powered contract processing

IMPULS-LEASING wanted to switch from manual processing to automated one to save time, money, and employee energy.

Opening new contracts with RPA

A leasing company wanted software robots to open new contracts, add insurance policies, and search for additional information.

Automation of creating new profiles

A leasing company wished to automate their data entry, selection, generation of reports, creation of new client profiles, and help with archiving.

Smart 360° vehicle view

NEOSTAR wanted to make the process of car resale as simple as possible by providing users with smart vehicle inspection and 360° photographing.

Automated structured banking processes

The bank wanted to revitalize some of its legacy manual systems, as well as to connect some of its newer systems for which a native connection was not possible.

Automating 5 key banking processes

Generating reports for middle and upper management. Inserting loan plans in internal applications. Bookings of special fees. Blacklist removals. Changes in card limits. All automated. No human needs to book into legacy core systems anymore.