As of July 1, 2024, Bonsai d.o.o. has been formally merged into Span d.d. Upon the registration of the merger with the Commercial Court in Zagreb, the merged company ceases to exist, and Span d.d. becomes its universal legal successor. The integration of Bonsai into Span will unify Span's software development offerings.

The website will be permanently shut down. We thank you for your interest and support over the years. For all additional information and updates, please visit and their social media channels.


Offer your guests a personalized booking experience with a virtual concierge they could communicate on your web page or social networks that can help them make the right decision and book a stay at your hotel.

Outsource boring processes to RPA

Lower the cost of booking service with robotic process automation. Fasten front desk time-consuming processes, such as processing orders, tracking payments, digitizing paperwork. Derive a single view of the guests and their transaction history.

Use the data you already have to gather insights that help you customize your deals. Analyze current and previous bookings, reviews on online channels and improve customer experience. Create personalized offers and recommendations that visitors will happily accept.

72% of hotel executives* state they have already started implementing a considerable proportion of technological innovations in their business.

* Hospitality technology, 2020

Ready to make a switch to digital?

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