As of July 1, 2024, Bonsai d.o.o. has been formally merged into Span d.d. Upon the registration of the merger with the Commercial Court in Zagreb, the merged company ceases to exist, and Span d.d. becomes its universal legal successor. The integration of Bonsai into Span will unify Span's software development offerings.
The bonsai.tech website will be permanently shut down. We thank you for your interest and support over the years. For all additional information and updates, please visit www.span.eu and their social media channels.
Company name BonsAI d.o.o. za dizajn i implementaciju inteligentnih informacijskih sustava
Address Koturaška 47, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
OIB/Tax No. HR81255473305
Members of the Board Nikola Dujmović, Slaven Mišak
Share capital 66.400,00 eur (paid in full)
Bank account Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
IBAN HR3624840081135127845