Advanced Data Analytics

Start handling your data like a pro

If you are thinking, “Aaaargh, why are we keeping all this data in a zillion different places? I can’t find anything!” or “They lost/erased that file again… How am I supposed to make that report now?” or “Why is this data here? No one needs it!“ or “This is good, but it could be way better.”, you are probably in a pretty good place to change your process for handling the data. 



1. Data synchronization in a nutshell 

Data synchronization is an essential aspect of data management that helps businesses to manage and maintain their data effectively. Unfortunately, many companies need help handling their data, which can lead to errors, delays, and even lost data.  

We will provide a step-by-step guide to starting a data synchronization solution and explore the key considerations and challenges involved. By the end of this article, readers will have a clear understanding of data synchronization and will be able to implement it successfully within their organizations. 

Still trying to figure out where to start? Check out this template and answer the following questions. 



2. Define your process 

Look up the Business Requirements sheet. 


2.1. Why is it required? 

Identify all the problematic areas and how they affect your work. For example, is it practicality, speed, sustainability, security, etc.? How would you benefit from changing the process? This will help you understand the current process state and whether the change is worth your while. 


2.2. What is required? 

Think about how the ideal process would look from your point of view. Which datasets and data points do you need, and what does it represent? How do you want to use the data now and in the future? This will be your goal and guide. 


2.3. Who do I need? 

Find out who designs and controls the current process, who provides you with the data, who maintains the technology currently used, who else uses the data, who else can benefit from this project, etc. 

This will help you identify all the key business and technical stakeholders, subject matter experts, and users on which this project can and will depend.